When one experiences the loss of a loved one, or when capacity issues of an elderly parents or friend become apparent, disputes may arise relating to that person’s personal care, property, or their estate plan. Often these estate and power of attorney litigation disputes involve significant emotions with family and interpersonal conflicts escalating.
We have acted for claimants, trustees and beneficiaries in a wide range of estate and power of attorney litigation issues, including:
contested wills
probate challenges
breach of trust claims
will challenges
Quantum Meruit claims
dependent relief claims
executor removal and compelling the passing of accounts
challenging Powers of Attorney
removal or replacement of trustees or Powers of Attorney
Family Law Act Elections
guardianship applications
trust or estate claims by minors
seeking involvement of the Public Guardian and Trustee
Working to resolve disputes relating to estates, capacity or powers of attorney requires a lawyer to not only have knowledge of the law, but also an understanding of the emotional reality the disputes bring to our clients.
We are both firm and practical in our approach to moving towards a quick and effective resolution to these matters, whether through settlement, mediation or resorting to the Courts.