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Family Law

Traditionally, most domestic disputes have been resolved through the litigation process. Some disputes are so contentious that they can only be resolved in court.


Collaborative family law is an alternative approach to dispute resolution that is gaining recognition among clients and lawyers as an inexpensive and effective means of resolving disputes. The key in the collaborative process is to keep the separating spouses and their lawyers focused on a negotiated settlement.


The first step in a collaborative law proceeding is for the separating spouses and their lawyers to agree and remove court as an option. The next step is for the lawyers to create the right environment for the separating spouses to address their own issues and negotiate their own solutions. More often than not, in our experience, the collaborative process produces fair, long lasting, negotiated settlements while minimizing the degree of anxiety and cost.


Many of the disputes that can arise upon the breakdown of a marriage could be avoided within a marriage contract executed in advance of or during the marriage. Our lawyers are experienced in negotiating and drafting marriage contracts.