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Nicole P. Hobbs

Nicole P. Hobbs




Taylor Darling T: 519-744-4491 Ext. 268 E:



Nicole is a lawyer in the Litigation Group at Bennett Grant LLP. She completed her Articles of Clerkship with the firm and is honoured to return as an Associate. Nicole is developing her practice in family law and its related fields, including estates disputes. She is also keenly interested in professional negligence. Nicole drafts marriage and cohabitation agreements, separation agreements, and has experience in parenting, support, and property issues.


Nicole was born and raised in the Region of Waterloo, growing up in the small community of Wellesley. She completed her undergraduate degree at Wilfrid Laurier University where she graduated as the Gold Medalist of her class before attending law school at Western University’s Faculty of Law, graduating with the Law Society of Ontario Prize. Nicole was called to the Ontario Bar as a lawyer in June of 2024.


While in law school, Nicole focused her studies on family law. She worked as a legal researcher for Western’s family law professor and worked for the Office of the Children’s Lawyer as a summer law student. Nicole later worked as a legal researcher and writer for the Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children (“CREVAWC”) at Western University where she published various articles about developments in family case law. She developed strong written and oral advocacy skills through her three years providing free family law services in London while working as a Caseworker for Western’s Community Legal Services Clinic, receiving the David C Scott Memorial Prize and the Stanley C Tessis Memorial Award in law for her contributions to pro bono legal services in the London community. She further developed her negotiation skills through various moots and advocacy competitions, including at the Walsh Family Law Negotiation Competition, where her team placed.  


At Western Law, Nicole earned the top mark in Family Law, the Granger Award in Family Law, the CCH Limited Prize in Family Law, the JG McLeod-McSorely Award in Advanced Family Law, and the JSD Tory Writing Prize. Nicole continues to write on family law topics, receiving the Rosen Sunshine LLP Award for her paper critiquing Ontario’s statutory parental determination regime, which was published in Canadian Family Law Quarterly in 2024. Nicole is fascinated by family law’s relationship with various other areas of law and is developing a robust practice that accounts for these intersections.


Nicole currently sits on the Board of Directors of the Child Witness Centre of the Waterloo Region where she is the Chair of the Governance Committee. Outside of work, Nicole enjoys spending time with her husband, going for trail rides with her sister, and teaching her Dalmatian all kinds of new tricks. She is a proud resident of Wilmot Township.

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